

Dupuytren's Contracture

A progressive painless thickening and tighening of subcutaneous tissue of the palm, causing the fourth and fifth fingers to bend into the palm and resist extension

Tendons and nerves are not involved
Surgical removal of the excess fibrous tissue

Valkmann's Contracture

Ischaemic muscle necrosis due to acute vascular occulsion affecting the musckes of the volar forearm compartment, the flexors of the fingers, and thumb and wrist.

Most common associated is with supercondylar humeral fracture in Children

Ulnar Claw Hand

Ulnar nerve palsy

Hyperextension at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints of the little and ring fingers is accompanied by flexion at interphalangeal joints

The deformith is due to lumbrical paralysis to thesr fingers

Wasting of hypothenar muscles and interossei

