

HearingLife Bondi Junction

I just heard about that a few persons had complained about the head office telemarketing staffs at the last state staff meeting. For my understanding it was because they thought telemarketing persons had booked too many clients for their clinics and made them too busy to see clients and no time to finish all paperworks. It is a problem, but I think the other problem is that most of these kind of appointments could not be transferred to a hearing aids fitting. However, personally I were not hate telemarketing as most of my private clients come from free hearing screening test or regularly hearing aids checking. On the other hand, I hope my calendar is fully booked so there was no space for the home visit. I hate home visit that was totally wast time.

As the commission system in HearingLife is no any commission for the free OHS hearing aids fitting, we kept very low refit rate. Now I will push clients to a top-up hearing aids as most of other audiologist had done. I will not say the free one is OK, otherwise no clients will think about the top-up hearing aids. In today's clinic, it showed a good results, two clients selected to refit their hearing aids with extra payment by themselves. I am not sure whether it was the results of my consultation skills or because it happened in Bondi. I will try it in Hurstville also. Meanwhile, I also need more closely contact with clients if they do not return or no further action after consultation. All these things are about sale skills that is a good chance for me to improve it.


Chinese Community

HearingLife Hurstville

Last week, Rebecca mentioned that maybe HearingLife can promote the business for Mandarin speaking consultant in Hurstville clinic. She gave the example as the Epoch Time newspaper. I can understand what she thought, but I never want my name on this newspaper. Meanwhile, obviously Hurstville is a Chinese community, also the Chinese elders are low income group. They will not promote the business too much or as much as Rebecca expected. In this stage, i will keep silent if there is not anything further happened.

Today I have a good performance as least I think it is. I fitted a top end CIC hearing aid and order two top up OHS hearing aids, i can not expect better than this in Hurstville. I will have other good performance this month. What I can do is keep doing. Ordering, Fitting and Home Trial. Thanks God for this good start in here.