
人生 梦想

Up 观后感

看了Chris的博客才想起当初看完了电影Up 以后曾经有一种冲动要去写点东西,但是生活就是这样,你想的未必你会去做。Up中让我热泪盈眶的片段是影片开始短短几个瞬间就展现了人生中的美好时光是多麽的短暂。Carl 和 Ellie在一首“Married life" 中走过了和我们每个人相似的人生,我们年轻的时候谁没有梦想?谁没有冲动?但是时间总会消磨我们的斗志,日常的琐碎总会给我们提供借口,当初的梦想渐渐成为记忆,只会在午夜梦回的时候偶尔在脑海中闪过。

想想看什麽是最让人恐惧的, 在我们回首我们的人生的时候我们发现那里有那麽多的空白,我们经常会拿一些美好的理想来麻痹我们自己,让我们相信虽然我们现在的生活很平凡但是我们有一个宏伟的理想,那个理想本身就让我们觉得满足和沉醉即使我们从没有真正准备为那个理想忘我的去奋斗。其实在现实里我们没有勇气承认,也没有人会敲醒我们,那些梦想永远也不会实现,因为我们从没有下决心不惜舍去一切去追求过。我们听的太多的是“平平淡淡才是真”,“退一步海阔天空”,“我已经尽力了”,我们总把别人的失败看成是自己的教训而忽略了那些虽然不成功但是却丰富多彩的经历。其实每个人的人生结果都是一样的,只有经历才是属于我们自己的财富。

Up 让我们知道其实追求我们的梦想并没有那麽难,如果你想行动任何时候都不晚。

Up 不仅仅让人发笑,还让人思考,让人感慨,动画片做到这种程度可算精品。 思考过后再来重温一下其中让人会心一笑的瞬间吧:

Carl Fredricksen: Do you want to play a game? It’s called See Who Can Go the Longest Without Saying Anything.
Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game!

Russell: But I want to help!
Carl Fredricksen: I don’t want your help, I want you safe.

Russell: Sometimes, it’s the boring stuff I remember the most.
–I loved this…na touch ako…

Rejected Refit

HearingLife Bondi Junction

Wow, I have to pay for the risk I have took. One refit application had been rejected by OHS as it was not accept the evidence I have provided. I know that case was not a strong case for refit but the client and her son was so frustrating when they came to the appointment. It is a lesson for me. I have talked with Jan for this case. The final result maybe is that the company have to pay the value of hearing aids fitted. I felt disappointing. I need send out a request of refit before I fitted the hearing aids. Anyway, now I will do what I can do to reduce the negative impact of this case.

I pray for this issue. I have a faith that God will help me again as He has done many time before. and thanks Him give me a important remind on this thing.