


人的一生成败,是由连串决策所决定的。如何做到这不是一条“错误的锁链”(a chain of mistakes),而是“连串好决策”呢? 这里面牵涉到知识和能力的问题。但从成功者往往不是最叻的人此事实判断,知识和能力显然不是充分的条件,而有必要考虑到勇气和价值这一类性格问题。原因在于知识并不全面,人至今仍然无法知道行为的直接结果,否则反向应果(reverse causality)便出现:未来的后果决定现在的行动,等如先知赛马结果再投注!

为了培养成功的性格,我们做事要形成考虑三种目标的习惯。首先,我们要有预计的目标(expected target),这是一种最理想的状况。在这里立志务高,人生如竞赛,不期望自己成为第一便是很难成为高手。如果最高的理想境界也不外如是,人生的成就也就有限了。其次,我们必须订立可完成的目标(achievable target),即衡量现实可以达到的状况。可达目标可拆散为一系列短期的目标,以便每完成一个就有一份喜悦,增添达鹄的动力。最后,我们还要有不能预计的目标(unexpected target), 即是计算最坏的情况。理财学的“先计风险,后计利润”,指此。正因为我们的知识和能力是有限制的,而成功有非单凭努力,所以我们必要正视非预期后果的出现。




你们中间谁愿为大,就必做你们的用人。谁愿为首就必做你们的仆人。(太 20:26)

今天澳洲自由党在经过灾难性的2周混乱之后,Tony Abbott 挑战成功而推翻了现任党领袖 Malcolm Turnbull, 并进而推翻了工党政府的减排法案。在这次气候变化的争持中,Turnbull 展现了一般政客少有的执着,为了坚持自己的政策主张不惜以政治生命相搏,其勇气使得他获得了很多党外的支持和好感,但是作为一个党的领袖,他没有展现应有的leadership,在整个争持过程中是一种以个人的坚持凌驾于党的团结之上,作为领袖无疑这也是灾难性的。在困难中寻求大同,团结尽可能多的人无疑是一个leader必须努力争取的,即使坚信自己是在做对的是,也需要争取反对者这才是leader的艺术。

Tony Abbott以强硬右翼的姿态,在整个过程中以一种意识形态式的态度来反对气候变化,虽然在公开场合表达只是政策之争而不是领袖之争,最后却公然反对自己党的领袖。在造反成功后的首次记者会上Abbott说的是他会humble,这可以看作黑色幽默,这个Rhode 学者,不缺智慧,也不缺活力,更不缺乏斗志,他在剑桥大学上学时就是酷爱拳击的,在之后的政治生涯中他又有各种资历,但是他从来没有过任何机会展示humble。现在自由党解决了一个争端又同时开启了下一次的争端。从Howard到Abbott,自由党还是在原地踏步。




建国大业在建国六十周年的时间点闪亮登场,用商业片的明星和宣传包装手段开创了主旋律电影的新篇章。抛开这些包装,其实从1945到1949年的这段历史是不可以有任何改动的,所以整部电影的故事架构就只能是照着中国革命史的大事年表亦步亦趋的演绎了,这里面不容许有任何的马虎和戏说。但是毕竟已经过去了六十年,一个甲子,回头再看这场战争,已经有了一份从容。 不再有“南征北战”和“万水千山”中的你死我活,也不再象“开国大典”那样矫情。敌我双方也就都有了点人情味。


在建国大业这部戏中,感动我的就是这一点点真情流露。在戏中1949年元旦,蒋介石宣布下野, 在西柏坡,中共的五大书记把酒庆贺,在席中周恩来,朱德,任弼时酒至酣时一起高唱国际歌,而毛泽东此时已经醉倒在角落,这是他们的时代,这是他们20多年生死奋斗的高潮,这是一种信念的胜利,这也是他们不再用掩饰的豪情。历史在这里给我们留下了注脚,让我们一起在回味。

Chinese Parents

Paediatric Audiology

When I studied in university, one lecturer introduced her experience in China, actually in Beijing TongRen Hospital. She said that the big difference is that in China, there are always a big family present in clinic. Both grandparents and other family members will come hospital with the young parents with newborn baby, and all of these family members are keen to provide their comments on medical management. In contrast, in Australia, it is rear to see the grandparents come with young children in hospital. Furthermore, the Chinese parents are always rely on their parents to look after the babies rather than by themselves. At that time, I am not very agree with her, but now in my clinical experience in here, I have to say sometime she is right.

When we have Chinese patients, it is more likely my colleagues want me to see them as the language problem. However, I found the Chinese parents are not ease to deal with. Normally, the mum is very anxieties and no idea how to settle her baby, and usually it is the father to settle the babies, and mum is easy to lost patience if her baby can not be settled. If the test results showed some bad news, mum is always upset for the future but not the current management they need to face and always want to know where is the responsibilities come from.

Today I see a Chinese parents and have all these characteristics. They running late (that is also popular in Chinese parents), could not settle their baby at all. When we found a hearing loss, the question is focus on whether or not people will discriminate the baby when he grow up. I have to work over time. However, I will be happy if they think I am really helpful.


Avoid Other Mistake at Last Minute

HearingLife Hurstville

In today's appointment, I reviewed all refitting orders for OHS clients and found a similar situation with my last refused refitting application. A client with current hearing aids less 2 years and want to be refitted by a ITC hearing aids, I have received the hearing aids and planned to fit today. I found the problem at 2 hours before the appointment time and quit to fit hearing aids for this client. I would send a request for refitting and waiting for the reply from OHS before I perform fitting. Thanks God for giving me a early notice at last Friday and avoid a consecutive mistakes in similar cases. Now I focus on the only one rejected case and will be very cautious on the refitting cases.

I want to I have focus too much on the business indicator and pay attention on the sale skills and results. I need transfer to complete the odd paper works and real ear assessment for the OHS patients otherwise I will have to redo these in future that will be very painful and time costing. I need put more admin time on these OHS paperwork in this month when the holiday season coming.