
OGM, CROS Hearing Aids, Any Idea?

HearingLife Bondi Junction

In today's last appointment, a 1.5 hour appointment for a potential home trial and noted for Touch. However, the client actually has a unilateral deaf with normal hearing in other ear. He want to get more information about CROS ITE hearing aids with wireless connection. I have no any experience with CROS hearing aids and Sonic also could not provide any CROS aids. The client had already done some research and notice the Phonak and Unitron CROS hearing aids. However, I really suspect the benefits from a CROS aids for the unilateral profound hearing loss and a normal hearing in opposite ear that will make confuse in the normal ear and will not improve speech discrimination ability in noisy environments. What I can do is honestly told him I am no more information can provide him today and will collect the products information and price list for him that also is he want to know. As it is not the Sonic hearing aids, I only can get wholesale price from manufactures and need find out the index in HearingLife for the retail price. I have two weeks to do this research, but I just hope he change his mind.

In this morning, one client did not attend the appointment and other rescheduled so there is no any client from 10 to 12:30. I am not happy for that I need talk to Ginny next week to prepare a cancel list and put some client in the calendar if there is a spot.


No New Order

HearingLife Hurstville

After a very busy October, the first clinic day in Nov is a comparative quiet. I just fitted a top up Velocity 6 CIC, client is happy with the hearing aid, hopefully he can used it very well. There are some other screening and full hearing test with OHS vouchers, but all of them could not be go ahead for a hearing aids discussion.

Look back to October, I am the forth busiest audiologist in whole state. If considering I am only work 2 days per week, I think it is not bad achievement. I need to keep going and keep busy in Nov. I am on the track now.






“天作之盒”是香港影音使团制作的福音电影,它是根据真人真事改编而成,因为主人公是医生,所以感触很深,作为医生即使我们读再多的书,有再多的临床经验,我们也不可能治好每一个病人,有时甚至我们对自己的家人,同事,或我们自己本身的病痛也没有办法。在那种时候让人感到 很无力,很软弱。我的同事中有人当年也和影片中的谢婉雯一样参加过sars的抢救工作,当时所承受的压力我也可以感觉得到,当时自己也觉得心和他们同在。有时候也会象影片中的谢婉雯一样,在最痛苦的时候不禁要问“上帝啊,你在哪里?” 每当我们发自内心的去呼求他的时候,主都会回应我们,他都会安抚我们的心,他都会让我们明白我们还有我们的使命没有完成,而我们的主已经在另一个世界为我们预备了更加美好的彩虹。每当我们看到彩虹的时候我们许愿,主的应许永远都不会落空。

影片中的音乐也同样感人,“爱是不保留”,ahwa已经在小组聚会的时候和我们分享过,当时就觉得非常touch,这次在影片中的中出现就更是感动。“我已决定今生再没有所求,唯望得主称赞已足够” 让我们把所有的烦恼,忧惧,恐惧都交托在我们的主手中吧,天上的父会给我们力量和勇气去完成我们的使命。


