
Mission and Vision

We talked about the mission and vision in church for several time and more and more recently. Mission is our purpose and vision is our passion. Ok, it looks very clear and easy to understand, but the question is why it is our or your purpose? and where is the passion come from? We read the church vision statement, we can find out from the Bible for the questions such as What does Jesus want from his church? What is the picture of a heathy church? However, when I heard all of these from pastor I felt pressure and found I were pushed to finished a job for him. Why I need to do it? Just because I am a "leader"? so it is my responsibility? some people can easly say you will not felt burden, you will find joy but actually they did not do anything so they are enjoying just chatting. At least I can not find the pastor is joying when he talked about this.



eMR Training

Sydney Children's Hospital

Today we attended the training session for the eMR (electrical Medical Record). eMR will be used from the end of this year.

eMR will mixed with current iPM system. At the beginning, start from the the top left corner "clap" sign to open a work sheet (flowchart), then we can edit the case list we want to see. After that, we can check the medical investigation records. We also can search patient from the right side finding sign.

We also can referral paients online. When we do that we need click the patient name three times to make the referral completed.

First Month of Independent Clinical Working

HearingLife Hurstville

I have nearly finished my first month of independently clinical working at HearingLife today. With the returning of Luci, everything is back to normal. I am quite familiar with the new clinic and feel more confident for the new hearing aids and new softwares. So far I have to say I am happy with the new settlement in here.

I still leep to order new hearing aids at every clinic day when I work. However, there is still no private clients in Hurstville. I need to do more on Top-up and private purchasing in here. Otherwise everything is fine.

I need to arrange a performance review based on the contract.




但愿我的生花妙笔, 能把古里慈(Calvin Coolidge)下面这段话译得好些:“世间别无其他事物可以取代坚持,天资不能;没有比有天分但失败的人更加普遍了。才华不能;有才华无表现几乎成了谚语。 教育不能;世界正充满着读饱书的废人。只有坚持和决心才有无限威力, 无所不能。 ‘继续努力’这口号已解决人类不少问题, 他将永远成为我们解决问题的力量。” 我已经不能再等待高手的译笔, 因我现在就需要这座右铭,这口号,这智慧。我需要坚持下去。

无端端一阵如潮的情绪涌来, 把人淹没,吞灭。 无助的感觉是如此强烈,令我不思做任何事情, 放弃所有意义。 我尝试用酒精去恢复平静, 但饮至脑袋撕裂, 也镇不住内心的巨大搅动。 在苍茫间, 我寻求四周的助力。 可能是救命草我也不放过, 真的是前所未见的无助。

然后找到这段话, 在一本书的扉页。 我先抄在笔记, 咀嚼它的意味。 反省,始知过去自我炫耀的不智。 教育,才华,天分,以为是解决问题的工具, 原来不是。 继续努力, 才是创造奇迹的法门。

趁便对前半生做一坦率的审查。放弃,放弃,放弃。甚至有为上九仞而功亏一篑的。有时, 志不是不高, 才智也非不足, 就欠缺坚持。原因不外是人言与讪笑, 情绪和冲动, 见异而思迁, 贪心与恋多。 回顾, 始知放弃是如此容易。 和坚持不懈比较, 其他途径都是轻而易举。 只有“继续努力”要咬牙, 挥汗, 忍痛地做下去