
澳洲葡萄酒---新世界 新潮流








澳大利亚全国共分为七个州,分别是北领地(Northern Territory)、南澳(South Australia)、西澳(West Australia)、新南威尔士(New South Wales)、维多利亚(Victoria)、昆士兰(Queensland)和塔斯马尼亚岛(Tasmania),而葡萄酒产区主要集中在东南部,四大产区分别是南澳、新南威尔士、维多利亚及塔斯马尼亚岛、西澳,其产量比约为8:4:2:1。

四大产区的葡萄酒各有特色,南澳以得天独厚的优良环境成为澳洲最重要的葡萄酒产区,有库纳华拉(Coonawarra)、巴罗萨谷(Barossa Valley)和克雷谷(Clare Valley)等知名产区。新南威尔士是澳大利亚最早的葡萄种植地,许多著名酒厂聚集在这里,如始建于1828年的云咸酒庄(Wyndham Estate),云咸的BIN 555 Shiraz也是澳洲葡萄酒的起源,酒厂位于新南威尔士的猎人谷(Hunter Valley)。

目前在澳大利亚种植的葡萄品种主要是国际上比较流行的葡萄品种,红葡萄品种包括赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),黑品乐(Pinot Noir),梅洛(Merlot),西拉(Shiraz),歌海纳(Grenache),白葡萄品种包括莎当妮(Chardonnay),雷司令(Riesling),赛美蓉(Semillon),长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)等。其中值得一提的是,西拉(Shiraz)为澳大利亚葡萄酒赢得了国际声誉,一提到澳洲葡萄酒,很多人马上就会想到西拉(Shiraz),因为西拉(Shiraz)是澳洲最有代表性的葡萄品种,栽培面积远远大于其他品种,浓郁的香料、黑胡椒的香气十分具有澳洲西拉(Shiraz)特色。此外,澳洲也有一些不常见的葡萄品种,如:Verdelho, Viognier, Chenin Blanc,这些品种的葡萄酒丰富了澳洲葡萄酒的风格和口味。

很多葡萄品种需要与不同的产区联系起来说,比如在澳大利亚有些产区的某些品种比其它的品种更有声望。赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)在新南威尔士的猎人谷

(Hunter Valley)和南澳的库纳华拉(Coonawarra)具有更高的质量,而西拉(Shiraz)在炎热的巴罗萨谷(Barossa Valley)体现出典型的澳大利亚特点,而相对寒冷一些的雅拉谷(Yarra Valley)非常适合雷司令(Riesling)和黑品乐(Pinot Noir)的生长,西澳地区则特别以莎当妮(Chardonnay)而闻名。


这是一个美丽动听的故事,在澳大利亚的南部,有一个静谧悠扬而又满是浓郁欧洲风情的山谷名叫巴罗萨,19世纪40年代,年轻的巴伐利亚移民约翰·格兰姆来到了这里,并将他从故乡带来的一些葡萄苗种在了山谷中雅各布河边44亩的肥沃土地上。在这里,约翰开辟了他的第一个商业葡萄园。也是在这里,1850年约翰迎来了他第一次灿烂的丰收,此后的100多年里,从河边的小铁矿石酒坊到奥兰多酿酒厂,约翰和他的子孙们从没停歇过拓展酿造葡萄酒事业的脚步和追求。1976年,企业正式推出了1973年份的西拉加本纳马尔贝克(Shiraz Cabernet Malbec)葡萄酒,这款优质红酒以约翰·格兰姆第一个葡萄园所在地——Jacob’s Creek河命名,杰卡斯品牌也由此而来。



拥有40年酿酒经验的杰卡斯首席酿酒师菲利普·拉法先生(Philip Laffer)始终致力于发展和提高酿酒艺术,已成为澳洲葡萄酒业发展史上的权威和先驱。“一瓶顶级的葡萄酒,从葡萄苗开始一直到酒瓶都被投入了极大的关注。正如杰卡斯所要求的将每道酿酒工序都坚持做到最好,始终坚持保留葡萄品种的最高原味和果香,保证杰卡斯的最佳口感,从而使它充满个性和活力。由此,杰卡斯才得以以其新鲜、浓郁、丰富醇厚的果味和易饮用的特质享誉世界。”





气泡系列(Sparkling Range):

杰卡斯莎当妮黑品乐气泡酒Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir Sparkling

核心系列(Core Range):

杰卡斯莎当妮Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay

杰卡斯梅洛Jacob’s Creek Merlot

杰卡斯西拉加本纳Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet

杰卡斯加本纳赤霞珠Jacob’s Creek Cabernet Sauvignon

珍藏系列(Reserve Range):

杰卡斯珍藏版莎当妮Jacob’s Creek Reserve Chardonnay

杰卡斯珍藏版赤霞珠Jacob’s Creek Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon

杰卡斯珍藏版西拉Jacob’s Creek Reserve Shiraz

传承系列(Heritage Range):

杰卡斯雨果 库纳华拉赤霞珠Jacob’s Creek St Hugo Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon

杰卡斯约翰 西拉加本纳Jacob’s Creek Johann Shiraz Cabernet

杰卡斯百岁山 巴罗萨谷西拉Jacob’s Creek Centenary Hill Barossa Valley Shiraz










这就是尔东升在2009年的作品“时光可以倒流”。一份青春的纪念,一段留在心底的感情,因为一个电话而连接在了一起,我们曾经的美好时光和苦涩回忆交织在一起,我们也想回到过去改正我们的错误,而命运却使我们更加深刻的认识我们自己。珍惜眼前是这个故事的主题。这是一部小众电影,一切都是淡淡的,没有大牌明星,没有飞车打斗,也没有催人泪下的浪漫。只有一支低回的歌声荡漾在屏幕之外: as time goes by。



Last Clinic Day in 2009

HearingLife Hurstville

Today is the last clinic day in 2009. As hospital clinic has closed in this week, I have finished my clinic work in this year. In December, I have not provided a good sale result in HearingLife. Some cases were not good lucky, some cases were not in the right timeline. Anyway, I have a very good performance in October and November, so this month is like a adjustment. Look forward, I will have a busy January, I hope I have a good start in next year.



星巴克的创办人舒尔兹(Howard Schultz)说:“没有大梦想哪来大事业?我相信,只要下定决心放手一试,超额实现梦想并非不可能。”

舒尔兹的话当然要听,但听其言不及观其行重要。从他出道开始,他要奉行“摘这个世界最伟大的头脑(pick the greatest brain)"这信条。两位管理学大师对他的影响尤其大。

他说:”八十年代末,我有幸听到管理学大师班尼斯(Warren Bennis)演讲,留下了深刻的烙印,故询问他一些意见,当时Starbucks还未成为一家众所周知的公司。”从此两人亦师亦友,而班尼斯也给他好多真知灼见。班是领袖学大师,教舒若想成为伟大领袖,先得放低自己,看清楚若要建立世界级企业,自己还缺乏哪些才能和特质,然后礼聘贤人才士补足之。

近年,舒尔兹又经常向哥连斯(Jim Collins)请教,舒说哥连斯的最大影响是改变了他的目标方向。原本,他的愿望是走一般连锁店的旧路,以开多少家星巴克为自己的理想标志,哥连斯教他放弃数目字的追求,改为把星巴克打造成有如可口可乐般的伟大品牌,舒尔兹承认这一转向是成功的至大因素。






人的一生成败,是由连串决策所决定的。如何做到这不是一条“错误的锁链”(a chain of mistakes),而是“连串好决策”呢? 这里面牵涉到知识和能力的问题。但从成功者往往不是最叻的人此事实判断,知识和能力显然不是充分的条件,而有必要考虑到勇气和价值这一类性格问题。原因在于知识并不全面,人至今仍然无法知道行为的直接结果,否则反向应果(reverse causality)便出现:未来的后果决定现在的行动,等如先知赛马结果再投注!

为了培养成功的性格,我们做事要形成考虑三种目标的习惯。首先,我们要有预计的目标(expected target),这是一种最理想的状况。在这里立志务高,人生如竞赛,不期望自己成为第一便是很难成为高手。如果最高的理想境界也不外如是,人生的成就也就有限了。其次,我们必须订立可完成的目标(achievable target),即衡量现实可以达到的状况。可达目标可拆散为一系列短期的目标,以便每完成一个就有一份喜悦,增添达鹄的动力。最后,我们还要有不能预计的目标(unexpected target), 即是计算最坏的情况。理财学的“先计风险,后计利润”,指此。正因为我们的知识和能力是有限制的,而成功有非单凭努力,所以我们必要正视非预期后果的出现。




你们中间谁愿为大,就必做你们的用人。谁愿为首就必做你们的仆人。(太 20:26)

今天澳洲自由党在经过灾难性的2周混乱之后,Tony Abbott 挑战成功而推翻了现任党领袖 Malcolm Turnbull, 并进而推翻了工党政府的减排法案。在这次气候变化的争持中,Turnbull 展现了一般政客少有的执着,为了坚持自己的政策主张不惜以政治生命相搏,其勇气使得他获得了很多党外的支持和好感,但是作为一个党的领袖,他没有展现应有的leadership,在整个争持过程中是一种以个人的坚持凌驾于党的团结之上,作为领袖无疑这也是灾难性的。在困难中寻求大同,团结尽可能多的人无疑是一个leader必须努力争取的,即使坚信自己是在做对的是,也需要争取反对者这才是leader的艺术。

Tony Abbott以强硬右翼的姿态,在整个过程中以一种意识形态式的态度来反对气候变化,虽然在公开场合表达只是政策之争而不是领袖之争,最后却公然反对自己党的领袖。在造反成功后的首次记者会上Abbott说的是他会humble,这可以看作黑色幽默,这个Rhode 学者,不缺智慧,也不缺活力,更不缺乏斗志,他在剑桥大学上学时就是酷爱拳击的,在之后的政治生涯中他又有各种资历,但是他从来没有过任何机会展示humble。现在自由党解决了一个争端又同时开启了下一次的争端。从Howard到Abbott,自由党还是在原地踏步。




建国大业在建国六十周年的时间点闪亮登场,用商业片的明星和宣传包装手段开创了主旋律电影的新篇章。抛开这些包装,其实从1945到1949年的这段历史是不可以有任何改动的,所以整部电影的故事架构就只能是照着中国革命史的大事年表亦步亦趋的演绎了,这里面不容许有任何的马虎和戏说。但是毕竟已经过去了六十年,一个甲子,回头再看这场战争,已经有了一份从容。 不再有“南征北战”和“万水千山”中的你死我活,也不再象“开国大典”那样矫情。敌我双方也就都有了点人情味。


在建国大业这部戏中,感动我的就是这一点点真情流露。在戏中1949年元旦,蒋介石宣布下野, 在西柏坡,中共的五大书记把酒庆贺,在席中周恩来,朱德,任弼时酒至酣时一起高唱国际歌,而毛泽东此时已经醉倒在角落,这是他们的时代,这是他们20多年生死奋斗的高潮,这是一种信念的胜利,这也是他们不再用掩饰的豪情。历史在这里给我们留下了注脚,让我们一起在回味。

Chinese Parents

Paediatric Audiology

When I studied in university, one lecturer introduced her experience in China, actually in Beijing TongRen Hospital. She said that the big difference is that in China, there are always a big family present in clinic. Both grandparents and other family members will come hospital with the young parents with newborn baby, and all of these family members are keen to provide their comments on medical management. In contrast, in Australia, it is rear to see the grandparents come with young children in hospital. Furthermore, the Chinese parents are always rely on their parents to look after the babies rather than by themselves. At that time, I am not very agree with her, but now in my clinical experience in here, I have to say sometime she is right.

When we have Chinese patients, it is more likely my colleagues want me to see them as the language problem. However, I found the Chinese parents are not ease to deal with. Normally, the mum is very anxieties and no idea how to settle her baby, and usually it is the father to settle the babies, and mum is easy to lost patience if her baby can not be settled. If the test results showed some bad news, mum is always upset for the future but not the current management they need to face and always want to know where is the responsibilities come from.

Today I see a Chinese parents and have all these characteristics. They running late (that is also popular in Chinese parents), could not settle their baby at all. When we found a hearing loss, the question is focus on whether or not people will discriminate the baby when he grow up. I have to work over time. However, I will be happy if they think I am really helpful.


Avoid Other Mistake at Last Minute

HearingLife Hurstville

In today's appointment, I reviewed all refitting orders for OHS clients and found a similar situation with my last refused refitting application. A client with current hearing aids less 2 years and want to be refitted by a ITC hearing aids, I have received the hearing aids and planned to fit today. I found the problem at 2 hours before the appointment time and quit to fit hearing aids for this client. I would send a request for refitting and waiting for the reply from OHS before I perform fitting. Thanks God for giving me a early notice at last Friday and avoid a consecutive mistakes in similar cases. Now I focus on the only one rejected case and will be very cautious on the refitting cases.

I want to I have focus too much on the business indicator and pay attention on the sale skills and results. I need transfer to complete the odd paper works and real ear assessment for the OHS patients otherwise I will have to redo these in future that will be very painful and time costing. I need put more admin time on these OHS paperwork in this month when the holiday season coming.


人生 梦想

Up 观后感

看了Chris的博客才想起当初看完了电影Up 以后曾经有一种冲动要去写点东西,但是生活就是这样,你想的未必你会去做。Up中让我热泪盈眶的片段是影片开始短短几个瞬间就展现了人生中的美好时光是多麽的短暂。Carl 和 Ellie在一首“Married life" 中走过了和我们每个人相似的人生,我们年轻的时候谁没有梦想?谁没有冲动?但是时间总会消磨我们的斗志,日常的琐碎总会给我们提供借口,当初的梦想渐渐成为记忆,只会在午夜梦回的时候偶尔在脑海中闪过。

想想看什麽是最让人恐惧的, 在我们回首我们的人生的时候我们发现那里有那麽多的空白,我们经常会拿一些美好的理想来麻痹我们自己,让我们相信虽然我们现在的生活很平凡但是我们有一个宏伟的理想,那个理想本身就让我们觉得满足和沉醉即使我们从没有真正准备为那个理想忘我的去奋斗。其实在现实里我们没有勇气承认,也没有人会敲醒我们,那些梦想永远也不会实现,因为我们从没有下决心不惜舍去一切去追求过。我们听的太多的是“平平淡淡才是真”,“退一步海阔天空”,“我已经尽力了”,我们总把别人的失败看成是自己的教训而忽略了那些虽然不成功但是却丰富多彩的经历。其实每个人的人生结果都是一样的,只有经历才是属于我们自己的财富。

Up 让我们知道其实追求我们的梦想并没有那麽难,如果你想行动任何时候都不晚。

Up 不仅仅让人发笑,还让人思考,让人感慨,动画片做到这种程度可算精品。 思考过后再来重温一下其中让人会心一笑的瞬间吧:

Carl Fredricksen: Do you want to play a game? It’s called See Who Can Go the Longest Without Saying Anything.
Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game!

Russell: But I want to help!
Carl Fredricksen: I don’t want your help, I want you safe.

Russell: Sometimes, it’s the boring stuff I remember the most.
–I loved this…na touch ako…

Rejected Refit

HearingLife Bondi Junction

Wow, I have to pay for the risk I have took. One refit application had been rejected by OHS as it was not accept the evidence I have provided. I know that case was not a strong case for refit but the client and her son was so frustrating when they came to the appointment. It is a lesson for me. I have talked with Jan for this case. The final result maybe is that the company have to pay the value of hearing aids fitted. I felt disappointing. I need send out a request of refit before I fitted the hearing aids. Anyway, now I will do what I can do to reduce the negative impact of this case.

I pray for this issue. I have a faith that God will help me again as He has done many time before. and thanks Him give me a important remind on this thing.



HearingLife Bondi Junction

I just heard about that a few persons had complained about the head office telemarketing staffs at the last state staff meeting. For my understanding it was because they thought telemarketing persons had booked too many clients for their clinics and made them too busy to see clients and no time to finish all paperworks. It is a problem, but I think the other problem is that most of these kind of appointments could not be transferred to a hearing aids fitting. However, personally I were not hate telemarketing as most of my private clients come from free hearing screening test or regularly hearing aids checking. On the other hand, I hope my calendar is fully booked so there was no space for the home visit. I hate home visit that was totally wast time.

As the commission system in HearingLife is no any commission for the free OHS hearing aids fitting, we kept very low refit rate. Now I will push clients to a top-up hearing aids as most of other audiologist had done. I will not say the free one is OK, otherwise no clients will think about the top-up hearing aids. In today's clinic, it showed a good results, two clients selected to refit their hearing aids with extra payment by themselves. I am not sure whether it was the results of my consultation skills or because it happened in Bondi. I will try it in Hurstville also. Meanwhile, I also need more closely contact with clients if they do not return or no further action after consultation. All these things are about sale skills that is a good chance for me to improve it.


Chinese Community

HearingLife Hurstville

Last week, Rebecca mentioned that maybe HearingLife can promote the business for Mandarin speaking consultant in Hurstville clinic. She gave the example as the Epoch Time newspaper. I can understand what she thought, but I never want my name on this newspaper. Meanwhile, obviously Hurstville is a Chinese community, also the Chinese elders are low income group. They will not promote the business too much or as much as Rebecca expected. In this stage, i will keep silent if there is not anything further happened.

Today I have a good performance as least I think it is. I fitted a top end CIC hearing aid and order two top up OHS hearing aids, i can not expect better than this in Hurstville. I will have other good performance this month. What I can do is keep doing. Ordering, Fitting and Home Trial. Thanks God for this good start in here.


What Is Satisfaction?

HearingLife Bondi Junction

Today Kate was day-off and Allison in the clinic that was perfect for me. As one of my private client want to adjust her new top end hearing aids but she was nearly running out her 30 days refunding period. She went to oversea for several weeks and did not do any follow up or adjustment after first fitting. This client has so many in-satisfaction for her hearing aid, too much feedback, speech was unclear. In the file, I can see her did not happy for a few her old hearing aids. Today she was running late for 40 minutes and every time when I connected her hearing aid with computer and adjust, she thought it was all alright, but when I disconnect and prepare to finish, she always felt not good enough. I reduced the venting size, reduce high frequency noise, change program to only one universal dynamic. However, she was still not satisfied. Finally, I decided to make a new impression and remade the shell for her. Anyway, she was the hardest client I have met and I thought I had done everything I can.

It is hard to get satisfaction for some clients.


Quiet Day, Good Day

HearingLife Hurstville

Like last Friday in Bondi Junction, there were a few client did not attend the appointment today. So it is a quiet day and not a busy day. It is good for me to have a rest after a serial busy days in October. On the other hand, I started to order new hearing aids again in today, and there are a potential private order on the track.

In this commission system, the OHS clients and orders are really painful. You need take many risks from OHS audit but no any profits. The refit is also waste time sometime. However, for me, I will keep positive attitude and hard work spirit in this position. I think the more experience, the more benefits I can get from this job. Meanwhile, I also need to improve my sale skills in private clients. I had a 60 % conversion rate in October that is the best in NSW. It give me some confidence. It is not a bad beginning.


OGM, CROS Hearing Aids, Any Idea?

HearingLife Bondi Junction

In today's last appointment, a 1.5 hour appointment for a potential home trial and noted for Touch. However, the client actually has a unilateral deaf with normal hearing in other ear. He want to get more information about CROS ITE hearing aids with wireless connection. I have no any experience with CROS hearing aids and Sonic also could not provide any CROS aids. The client had already done some research and notice the Phonak and Unitron CROS hearing aids. However, I really suspect the benefits from a CROS aids for the unilateral profound hearing loss and a normal hearing in opposite ear that will make confuse in the normal ear and will not improve speech discrimination ability in noisy environments. What I can do is honestly told him I am no more information can provide him today and will collect the products information and price list for him that also is he want to know. As it is not the Sonic hearing aids, I only can get wholesale price from manufactures and need find out the index in HearingLife for the retail price. I have two weeks to do this research, but I just hope he change his mind.

In this morning, one client did not attend the appointment and other rescheduled so there is no any client from 10 to 12:30. I am not happy for that I need talk to Ginny next week to prepare a cancel list and put some client in the calendar if there is a spot.


No New Order

HearingLife Hurstville

After a very busy October, the first clinic day in Nov is a comparative quiet. I just fitted a top up Velocity 6 CIC, client is happy with the hearing aid, hopefully he can used it very well. There are some other screening and full hearing test with OHS vouchers, but all of them could not be go ahead for a hearing aids discussion.

Look back to October, I am the forth busiest audiologist in whole state. If considering I am only work 2 days per week, I think it is not bad achievement. I need to keep going and keep busy in Nov. I am on the track now.






“天作之盒”是香港影音使团制作的福音电影,它是根据真人真事改编而成,因为主人公是医生,所以感触很深,作为医生即使我们读再多的书,有再多的临床经验,我们也不可能治好每一个病人,有时甚至我们对自己的家人,同事,或我们自己本身的病痛也没有办法。在那种时候让人感到 很无力,很软弱。我的同事中有人当年也和影片中的谢婉雯一样参加过sars的抢救工作,当时所承受的压力我也可以感觉得到,当时自己也觉得心和他们同在。有时候也会象影片中的谢婉雯一样,在最痛苦的时候不禁要问“上帝啊,你在哪里?” 每当我们发自内心的去呼求他的时候,主都会回应我们,他都会安抚我们的心,他都会让我们明白我们还有我们的使命没有完成,而我们的主已经在另一个世界为我们预备了更加美好的彩虹。每当我们看到彩虹的时候我们许愿,主的应许永远都不会落空。

影片中的音乐也同样感人,“爱是不保留”,ahwa已经在小组聚会的时候和我们分享过,当时就觉得非常touch,这次在影片中的中出现就更是感动。“我已决定今生再没有所求,唯望得主称赞已足够” 让我们把所有的烦恼,忧惧,恐惧都交托在我们的主手中吧,天上的父会给我们力量和勇气去完成我们的使命。





Second Month Finished

HearingLife Bondi Junction

This is my second months of independent clinic work in HearingLife. Today is the last day., I fitted seven hearing aids one day. I got some private clients and home trial. It is very busy day but it will be a good finalisation in this month.

I first time realised that many clients preferred to in the ear hearing aids rather than the open-fitting. Meanwhile the refit is also a issue in OHS clients. I think the refit will not cause any commission but a potential for the OHS audit argument. To be honest, I have to reduce the refit in future.

Today I get a good home trial Touch 24 and hope I can fit out my first Touch 24. It is cute. I like it.


Tricky Clients, Tricky Hearing Aids

HearingLife Hurstville

Today I met two complicated cases. The first one, I discussed with him at last appointment, and he was happy with a free Half Shell hearing aids, but today when he back he said he had seen one of his friends got a smallest hearing aids with little top up, he was not happy with the ones I ordered for him. For his mild to severe hearing aids, I would not recommend a CIC hearing aids as the target will be hard to march. Meanwhile there is no free CIC I can offer to him. After a further discuss and argue, he want to change to a top up hearing aid but keen to CIC. What I can do? Just explain to him that I can fit CIC for him but am not sure whether it will be enough for him, and if he still don't like it, he have to pay $ 75 for it.

Second one, client come to clinic for a home trial. He already get $4000 claim from a insurance company. So he trial 2 different RITE and Open fitting BTE, but still not happy for the sounds from hearing aid. It take me too long to deal with him. Finally, he and his wife decided to get a top end CIC hearing aids, quite same situation with the first client, he also had a severe to profound hearing loss. As he is private client, I just order what he want.

In these several weeks, I found the sound in sonic hearing aids have a little bit problems. I am not sure if it is because I fitting process or the products. However, I concerns for the feedback problems in Touch hearing aids and the options in noise reduction program. I need be careful in fitting it. Meanwhile, in my experience, the Touch hearing aids are not very welcome as I expected. There are some concerns on it. I think the customer hearing aids looks like more easy to manage.

Today these two clients made me tired, and there is a potential for further problem, but I am confident for what I have done is right. It is the first time I felt challenging in here.


Performance Review

HearingLife Bondi Junction

After the first month of independent clinical working in HearingLife, today I have the first performance review with the state manager. He was in Wollongong so the review was on the phone. We talked about 30 minutes. It was a informal style talking, he just asked me whether I want to work in here for a long time running, how about my feeling in here and whether I have any concerns in clinics I am working so far. Actually, I am really happy with this new position. So I gave him a very positive feedback, he was happy with that. I also know at least now, there is no any complaint to me from clients and colleagues. I also asked me which clinic was my prefer one in Hurstville and Bondi Junction. I honestly said I like Bondi more than Hurstville as I can try different hearing aids in Bondi but in Hurstville I more likely to focus on OHS clients and free hearing aids. When the review finished, I felt that I did nothing wrong. Hopefully, he also thought that.

Today's clinic is busy and quite normal day, no surprise, but I nearly got my first private hearing aid fitting done. And so far I satisfied with my relationship with the clients in here. When I started work in HearingLife, a few persons told me that the clients in Bondi is the hardest client to deal with in NSW, but I though it is not so bad so far, I am quite confident now.



HearingLife Hurstville

With my limited experience in fitting sonic hearing aids, I think the feedback is the major problem, especially in the customer hearing aids. When I fitted the ITE to ITC hearing aids from OHS free Natura 6 to Top end Velocity 24, the feedback is a really problem. In today's fitting for a Natura Pro ITE, the feedback is significant, but the possible reason maybe the shell was not made very well. I had to put the high frequency gain in very low position to reduce the feedback noise. The feedback cancellation circle was not useful at all.

I had met same problem in last several weeks in Bondi Junction that maybe the reason what there is no powerful hearing aid in Sonic serials. I think the possible resolution is choose the High Noise program as the only program setting for various environments to shunt down the high frequency feedback. Also, reduce the venting size.



Does Hearing Aids Need Program

HearingLife Hurstville

I have to study for two years for Master degree and several years training for a qualified audiologist. However, one client walked in clinic and want to buy a hearing aid. He had experience several hearing tests and tried different hearing aids before. All other audiologist done was to connect the hearing aids to computer and try to program them to meet client's hearing needs, but he was totally unhappy for both hearing aids and service from audiologist. Although this thing happened in other provider, I think I almost did same thing in past. So do we need a long training for providing a bad service/ Did a hearing aids need to program?

This client just want to buy a hearing aid with basic features and do not need to be program. I gave him a hearing aid to trial. I did not know his audiogram and previous hearing aid fitting experience. He did show me his current hearing aids but there was nothing write on it (Everton?) What I did was just put battery in the hearing aid and insert hearing aid into his ear. Let me see how is going.


Must Be Careful Under Time Pressure

HearingLife Bondi Junction

Today there was a full calendar waiting for me when I arrived clinic. I have to work under time pressure from first appointment. For the first client, he need a quote of hearing price for his private health funding, and he could not provide any informtion for his previous hearing aids fitting history. I provide the top end ITC hearing aid for him. However, I wrote a price for OHS client though he was a totally private client. Thanks God I find this problem when he leave and contacted him straight away and send a new quote to him.

The last client, I also have to spend long time to talk with the client's daughter, she is a GP doctor. I finally finished all work just at the close time. When I order the free hearing aid for this client, I just wrote a top up hearing aid, fortunately, I also find this mistake before the order was processed.

I must be very careful when I worked under time pressure.

Now I will face my first preformance with manager. To be honest. I like this job so far.


Impressive Church Camping

Burwood Presbyterian Church

This weekend we have a camping at Vision Valley with Burwood Presbyterian Church. To be honest, before I leave to attend the camping, I felt tired and a little bit frustrating for some recent church issue. However, this camping is a very good time for me to have a rest from busy work and family duty. Meanwhile I have developed deep friendship with my friends in church specially for the friends from Mandarin group. It is an impressive experience.

Also I like the camping talking form David Burge, he have provided us with three very interesting and encourage sermons about his mission in Mogolia.

I like this camping. Hoping we have other one next year.


Mission and Vision

We talked about the mission and vision in church for several time and more and more recently. Mission is our purpose and vision is our passion. Ok, it looks very clear and easy to understand, but the question is why it is our or your purpose? and where is the passion come from? We read the church vision statement, we can find out from the Bible for the questions such as What does Jesus want from his church? What is the picture of a heathy church? However, when I heard all of these from pastor I felt pressure and found I were pushed to finished a job for him. Why I need to do it? Just because I am a "leader"? so it is my responsibility? some people can easly say you will not felt burden, you will find joy but actually they did not do anything so they are enjoying just chatting. At least I can not find the pastor is joying when he talked about this.



eMR Training

Sydney Children's Hospital

Today we attended the training session for the eMR (electrical Medical Record). eMR will be used from the end of this year.

eMR will mixed with current iPM system. At the beginning, start from the the top left corner "clap" sign to open a work sheet (flowchart), then we can edit the case list we want to see. After that, we can check the medical investigation records. We also can search patient from the right side finding sign.

We also can referral paients online. When we do that we need click the patient name three times to make the referral completed.

First Month of Independent Clinical Working

HearingLife Hurstville

I have nearly finished my first month of independently clinical working at HearingLife today. With the returning of Luci, everything is back to normal. I am quite familiar with the new clinic and feel more confident for the new hearing aids and new softwares. So far I have to say I am happy with the new settlement in here.

I still leep to order new hearing aids at every clinic day when I work. However, there is still no private clients in Hurstville. I need to do more on Top-up and private purchasing in here. Otherwise everything is fine.

I need to arrange a performance review based on the contract.




但愿我的生花妙笔, 能把古里慈(Calvin Coolidge)下面这段话译得好些:“世间别无其他事物可以取代坚持,天资不能;没有比有天分但失败的人更加普遍了。才华不能;有才华无表现几乎成了谚语。 教育不能;世界正充满着读饱书的废人。只有坚持和决心才有无限威力, 无所不能。 ‘继续努力’这口号已解决人类不少问题, 他将永远成为我们解决问题的力量。” 我已经不能再等待高手的译笔, 因我现在就需要这座右铭,这口号,这智慧。我需要坚持下去。

无端端一阵如潮的情绪涌来, 把人淹没,吞灭。 无助的感觉是如此强烈,令我不思做任何事情, 放弃所有意义。 我尝试用酒精去恢复平静, 但饮至脑袋撕裂, 也镇不住内心的巨大搅动。 在苍茫间, 我寻求四周的助力。 可能是救命草我也不放过, 真的是前所未见的无助。

然后找到这段话, 在一本书的扉页。 我先抄在笔记, 咀嚼它的意味。 反省,始知过去自我炫耀的不智。 教育,才华,天分,以为是解决问题的工具, 原来不是。 继续努力, 才是创造奇迹的法门。

趁便对前半生做一坦率的审查。放弃,放弃,放弃。甚至有为上九仞而功亏一篑的。有时, 志不是不高, 才智也非不足, 就欠缺坚持。原因不外是人言与讪笑, 情绪和冲动, 见异而思迁, 贪心与恋多。 回顾, 始知放弃是如此容易。 和坚持不懈比较, 其他途径都是轻而易举。 只有“继续努力”要咬牙, 挥汗, 忍痛地做下去


Posterior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

Literature Review

Superior Semicircular Canal Dehisnce Syndrome (SSCD) was first described in 1998 by Minor (Minor, 1998)

For SSCD, 83% patients presented with vertigo, 10% with hearing loss or tinnitus, 7% with symptoms unrelated to the inner ear.

For Posterior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (PSCD), 86% persented with vertigo, 9% with hearing loss or tinnitus, and 5% with symptoms unrelated to the inner ear. (Krombach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

The symptoms of SSCD:
Recurrent attacks of vertigo following stimuli which lead to change in intracranial or inner ear pressure, such as abrupt noise, coughing or Valsalca manoeuver;
Involuntary verticaltorsional eye movement, the direntions of which can be explained by excitation or inhibition of the SCD have been observed. (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

More than 50 cases of SSCD have been presented in literature (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

PSCD was seen in combination with SSCD in 8 patients and as an isolated finding in 15 cases of the total 507 images patients. (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

Tullio phenomenon: Vestibular activation by sound (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

Carey et al, found SSCD in 0.7% of subjects, incidence of SSCD was 1% in patients with semicircular canal dehiscence. (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

The most probable aetiology for the dehiscence syndrome is incomplete development of the bony cover during early childhood.
Carey et al found consistently only a monolayer built from the inner layer covering the surface of the superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
Symptoms related to dehiscence are not congenital, but evolve in adulthood. (Kromabach, DiMartino, et al, 2003)

European radiographic survey reported an incidence of PSCD of 4.5%.(Anthony, 2006)

138 paediatric patients over the age of 3 years underwent a high resolution CT scan of the temporal bone. Based upon review of CT scans from the remaining 131 patients and using the histogram method to confirm and objectively quantify dehiscence, 18 patients were found to have at least 1 semicircular canal dehiscence. No dehiscence was found in the horizontal semicircular canal (Chen et al, 2009).

Lateral Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (LSCD):
LSCD was associated with CHL in 14%, SNHL in 71%, normal hearing in 11%. (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000)

In large vestibular aqueduct syndrome, there is a conductive conponent to the hearing loss in 30% of patients. (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000)

In general, in patients with partial LSCD, the cochlea tends to be normal.
A strong relation is seen between the posterior limb of the LSC and the vestibular aqueduct.
In patients with complete LSCD, the cochlea tends to be abnormal. (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000)

In general, 13% of patients had vestibular symptoms related to inner ear malformations at least involving the LSCD.

In general, patient history dis not suggest a cause of the inner ear malformation.

None of the patients had a family history of hearing loss or a disgnosis of any syndromeic hearing loss or syndromes related to inner ear malformation. (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000).

Correlation between PTA and the associated inner ear malformations involving the cochlea and vestibular aqueduct shows that increasely severe inner ear malformations are associated with increasingly impaired PTA.

Only LSCD, the PTA is most often in the lowest range of 0 to 40 dB (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000).

The patients with isolated LSCD had no progressive hearing loss.
Half the parients had greater than 20 dB asymmetrical hearing loss,
Hearing level is not linearly related to the extent of LSCD.
Isolated LSCD does not lead to progression of hearing loss (Johnson and Lalwani, 2000)

The SSCD is caused by failure of normal postnatal bone development in the middle cranial fossa leading to absence of bone at the most superior part of the superior semicircular canal.

The typical features for SSCD are:
sound- and pressure-induced vertigo with torsional eye movement
pulse synchronous tinnitus
apparent conductive hearing loss in spite of normal middle ear function. (Brantberg et al, 2006)
stapedius reflexes are normal
the Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) have a reduced thresholds. (Brantberg et al, 2006) , (Milulec et al, 2004)
umbo velocity measured by laser Doppler vibrometry was above mean normal (Mikulec, et al, 2004)

Patients with semicircular canal dehiscence have common auditory-vestibular features regardless of which of the two vertical senicircular canals is affected.
The only obvious difference between the two is the vertical component of the sound and pressure-induced eye movements (which beats in opposite direction). (Brantberg et al, 2006)

A postnatal developmental failure of the middle and outer bone layers to cause SSCD. A strong argument for this explanation is the fact that the syndrome is most often found bilaterally. Furthermore, the syndrome has been seen in brothers, which suggests a family predisposition. (Krombach and DiMartino, 2003)

Audiometric testing with attention to absolute bone conduction thresholds, acoustic reflex testing, VEMP testing, laser vibrometry of the umbo, and computer tomography scanning can help to identify patients with SSCD presenting with conductive hearing loss without vertigo. (Mikulec, et al, 2004)

Patients with SSCD and typical vestibular symptoms sometimes have a small, low frequency air-bone gap of 5 to 10 dB. This small conductive loss resolves after surgical repair of the SSCD. (Mikulec, et al, 2004)

Our observations and those of Minor er al (2003) support the concept that SSCD can result in significant conductive hearing loss in the absence of vestibular symptoms. (Mikulec et al, 2004)

The hallmark features of conductive hearing loss in SSCD are a low frequency air-bone gap with cone conduction thresholds that are better than 9 dB in the lower frequencies.
The latter finding underscores the importance of accurate assessment of audiometric bone-conduction thresholds to levels below 0 dB HL. (Mikulec et al, 2004)

Experience accrued with occlusion of the posterior semicircular canal for benign paroxysmal vertigo has revealed an incidence of significant sensorineural hearing loss of approximately 2%. (Mikulec et al, 2004).

Specimens from infants demonstrated uniformly thin bone over the superior canal in the middle fossa at birth, with gradual thickening until 3 years of age.

The incidence of bone overlying the superior canal occured in approximately 0.5% of temporal bone specimens, often bilaterally. (Carey et al 2000)

Limited clinical histories suggested that most of these individuals were not symptomatic. (Carey et al, 2000).

The bilateral nature of this abnormality and its similarity to the appearance of the infant temporal bone suggest that this is a developmental anomaly.

Our clinical experience had been that symptoms and signs of superior canal dehiscence first develop in adulthood. (Carey et al, 2000)

All 20 patients presented with typical vestibular symptoms of SSCD. Seventeen (85%) patients also had auditory symptoms, including autophony (40%), hyperacusis to bodily sounds (65%), hearing loss (40%), aural pressure (45%), and tinnitus (35%). Of the 17 patients, 14(82%) patients had an ABG on audiometry, but only 7(41%) patients demonstrated negatrive bone conductive thresholds.

Auditory symptoms are common in SSCD patients.

No firm conclusion could be drawn regarding the association between symptoms and ABG,

Different pathways or mechamisms may exist in SSCD for bone-conducted sounds arising form different sources,

Surgery repair of the dehiscence results in resolution of auditory symptoms in most patients (Yuen, Eikelboom, and Atlas, 2009).

The larger the dehiscence, the lower the frequency of stimuli required to provoke a vestibular response (Gunesh et al, 2008).

The combination effects of a congenital aberration in the thickness of the bony converting of the superior semicircular canal, the influence of constant pulsating cerebrospinal fluid / intracranial pressure, or a precipitating event resulting in a breach of the abnormally thin bone is thought to cause SSCD (Gunesh et al, 2008).

Animal model studies showed the size of the dihiscence influenced the magnitude of the recorded cochlear potential (Gunesh et al, 2008).


Discuss about clinical policy

Sydney Children's Hospital

Today discussed for clinical policy with Monica, Sally, Andrew and Broiny.

The focus on the reassessment for the patients with mild conductive hearing loss. In the clinical policy, I recommend a reassessment of tympanometry in 3 months even for SWISH babies. The argue is two: one is for children with speech delay, 3 months reassessment maybe too long to monitor and access to speech pathologist, two is for SWISH babies, 3 reassessment might too early to perform any behavioral heairng test.

For the first argument, I would change the policy that if referral doctor mention the speech delay in the referral letter, we would recommend parents to see an ENT specialist directly. (Monica added if there is any risk factors or certain concerns)

For the second argument, I stand for my opinion, we need retest tympanometry rather at early stage than waiting to 10 months old. If there is still a middle ear involvement at reassessment, we would recommend parents to ENT consultation other than do a VROA test if we think the inner ear function is intact.

Finally we finished the clinical policy, I did almost all of things in this clinical policy, I would like to review it after 12 months. I am happy to make a standard for everyone.


读 管理上司--刘创楚





Singing to Worship

BPC Mandarin Study Group

This week we have a very good MSG meeting on Wednesday night, we sing and worship together. Music really touch my heart. Thanks God to bring happiness and peace for all of us.


Sunday everning service

Burwood Presbyterian Church

Today David said in email he will think carefully again about the arrangement for the planning Sunday evening service in next year. I totally agree with that. It is very difficult decision for our church. I think the core group and all small need to be involved into a detailed and open mind discussion.

Of course, we need pray from our heart.

I will mention that at tomorrow's MSG group meeting.


Telehealth presentation at SCH

Today I did a presentation at Telehealth in SCH. The topic is hearing loss and hearing aids. I prepared the powerpoints with many pictures. I thought it is very good and make it very understandable and interesting. I was very confortable during the presentation.

The other subtopic were:
Broiny: Hearing aids: use and maintenance
Andrew:Tips for managing hearing loss patients.

Today is the last day for Heidi. so sad for our Hearing Support team. She did a very good job.
Hope she is fine in her new job in Westmead adults.

Go To Normal at Hurstville

HearingLife Hurstville Clinic (14/09/2009)

It is a quite normal clinic day. Only one client did not turn up and Ginny organised the appointments very well. All things went well.

As the long waiting list in Hurstville. today I email Ken to reduce my appointment time to the normal clinic time, I felt quite confident now to deal with the new hearing aids and software.

Since I start at HearingLife, I still did not fit a private hearing aids, so I need work harder to discuss with clients and do more research for the products, and of course I need good lucky. Otherwise I am happy with this new job.


Lumbosacral Plexus

Plexus Lumbalis and Plexus Sacralis

L1: iliohypogastric

L2: genitofemoral

L3: lateral femoral cutaneous

L4: femoral

L5: lumbosacral trunk
superior gluteal

S1: inferior gluteal
sciatic (common peroneal)

S2: sciatic (tibial)

S3: sciatic (tibial)
posterior femoral sutaneous

S4: pudendal

S5: pudendal

Cochlear Implant and Hybrid Implant

Presentation from Med El and Dr Nirmal Petal

CI implant system is not good for tonal language such as Cantonese and Mandarin as its poor frequency resolution.

Hybrid implants showed best speech discrimination score in patients with Ski-Plate hearing loss at high frequencies.

15% patients lost their low frequency hearing after hybrid implants but still have good speech discrimination abilities.


The Level of Consciousness

Glasgow Coma Scale:

Best motor response

Best verbal response

Eye opening

In most systems, the scale is scales out of 15

3 compatible with brain death

7 usually accepted as a state of coma


Dupuytren's Contracture

A progressive painless thickening and tighening of subcutaneous tissue of the palm, causing the fourth and fifth fingers to bend into the palm and resist extension

Tendons and nerves are not involved
Surgical removal of the excess fibrous tissue

Valkmann's Contracture

Ischaemic muscle necrosis due to acute vascular occulsion affecting the musckes of the volar forearm compartment, the flexors of the fingers, and thumb and wrist.

Most common associated is with supercondylar humeral fracture in Children

Ulnar Claw Hand

Ulnar nerve palsy

Hyperextension at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints of the little and ring fingers is accompanied by flexion at interphalangeal joints

The deformith is due to lumbrical paralysis to thesr fingers

Wasting of hypothenar muscles and interossei



Calcitonin: reduce the blood level of calcium and to inhibit bone resorption
Parathyroid hormone: raise the blood calcium level, and enhance bone resorption

Neck lump

Parotid lump

Benign parotid tumour
Benign pleomorphic adenoma
Displace the ear lobe outward
Slow growing
Do not cause facial nerve paralysis
The most common parotid tumour

The adenolymphoma
A less common benign parotid tumour

Carcinoma of the parotid
Infiltrate the facial nerve causing facial palsy
Spread by local invasion and by lymphatics

Parotid calculus
Acute and painful swelling

Tumour of the submandibular gland
More common malignant
Do not displace the ear lobe

Brachial cyst
Cystic lump in the anterior triangle of sternomastoid
First appearance in the second or third decades
Squamous epithalium
Treat by surgical excision

Carcinoma of the thyroid
Papillary carcinoma
Spread to the lymph node
Slow growing
Surgical excision

Follicular cell tumour
Spread through the blood stream to bone

Medullary tumour
Produce calcitonin, hypocalcaemia

Submandibular duct onstruction by stone
Sudden onset of pain
Bimanual palpation of the floor of the mouth
Confirmed by an intra-oral X-ray

Cystic transilluminable swelling
Unroofing of fenedtration into the oral cavity

Congenital branchial fistual


First independent day at Bondi Junction

This is the first independent day at Bondi Junction. Before that several persons mentioned that the clients in Bondi Junction were hardest to deal with. Today I were careful, clients were ok, they were not too hard and they came from higher income community.

We have no receptionist now. Amy went to Wollongong. Allison come today. Van back from his holiday.

I need business card for the Bondi Junction. Contact with Ginny with my key in Hurstville. So far so good.

Overall still happy for this new job.

Skin disease

Malignant melanoma:

The depth of invasion: 0.76 mm

Breslow classification

wider excision
Not a radiosensitive tumour

Skin burn:

Marjolin ucler: malignant ulcer

Cystic lesion:

Benign mucoid cyst

Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma

Sebaceous cyst

Syphilitic lip lesion

Lipomas/sebaceous cyst

never in scrotum/scrotum
freely mobile/attach skin
lobulated contour/smooth contour


Intradermal naevi: benign
Junctional naevi: Malignant change
Compound naevi: Malignant change

Premalignant squamous cell carcinoma
Bowen disease
Chronic radiation
Solar keratosis


First Independent Clinic Day at Hurstville

It is a good day. Everything looks settle very well. I am please to work at this new environment.

OHS clients are not good profit but in here they are nice and ease going.

I need have a good cooperation and communication with Rebecca, she looks like very nice so far, and is professional that is important for future contacts.

I will call her on Friday when she work at Hurtville.

Overall. it is a good start.